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Communist Party of Spain condemns Russian Federation's attack on Ukraine
Feb. 24, 2022

The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, has ordered an attack on Ukraine opting for an inadmissible war solution, which is a collective failure for all peoples interested in Peace and compliance with the Charter of the United Nations.

The Communist Party of Spain, in the face of this aggression, calls for an immediate cessation of all military operations initiated by Russia in Ukraine, and will support all initiatives that promote a peaceful and definitive solution to resolve a shared security of Ukraine and Russia outside of military logic and responses.

This aggression should have been avoided if, instead of the logic of military tension promoted by Russia, the USA and NATO over Urania, it had been decided to defend an Integrated Continental Security as approved in 1990 in the so-called "Charter of Paris" by the CSCE (today OSCE).

Europe needs to move towards a Shared Security System that overcomes the logic of the cold war, initiates verifiable disarmament processes and manages to become a zone free of weapons of mass destruction. Spain should not be part of this conflict and should support intense diplomatic initiatives to put an end to Russian aggression and contribute to the construction of a Continental Shared Security System.

The PCE stands in solidarity with all political and social forces in Ukraine, Russia and Europe that defend a solution of peace against war.

Recovering the logic and the letter of the "Charter of Paris", it is urgent to hold an International Conference under the auspices of the UN and the OSCE to build a Shared Security that gives security to Ukraine, Russia and all European people.

No to war!

Categories:  Área Internacional  |  Ucrania
